Reunion Team

The WHO’s WHO of the FIRST EVER 40yr SNOW Football Reunion

…and for ALL that helped carry it forward…REUNION #1, #2, #3 , #4, #5, and #6…and helped start a Homecoming Tradition.

There are two Groups that have made this historic event and Homecoming Tradition possible…

FIRST – The SNOW Football 40yr Reunion Team for the FIRST EVER Reunion…Rosie Connor, SNOW College Director of Philanthropic Initiatives and Partnerships…and her Staff…and SNOW Head Football Coach Britt Maughan. AND now…the Reunion Team of Janie Harris (Interim Director of College Advancement) and her Staff…Head Coach Zac Erekson…and former Badger player (83/86) President Bradley Cook.

Dave Arslanian, Head Coach for the 1975-1980 SNOW Football Teams…and the best assistant coaches ever Paul Arslanian, Greg Croshaw, DeVon Blad, Dean Green, Vince McCaffrey and Bill Kelly…and Steve Peterson, SNOW Faculty 1976-20**, Football Statistician and Honorary SID 1976-** and GREAT Friend.

**Special Gifts from Janie&Staff – Commemorative Golf Shirt and/or Hat and gift bag, limited edition coin, program booklet for attendees, etc.

SECOND and most important of all – YOU, the “Players of the 1975, 76, 77, 78, 79, and 80+ SNOW Football Teams”… A special “thank you” goes to all of you that helped us find your teammates. Some of the first contacts made were with Steve Bullard, Gary Crowton & Scott Thomas, Johnny Borla, Cecil Stockdale, Chris Reid, Ken McQueen, Stu Simons, Drew Fullmer, Steve Allred, Robert Lopez…and Bullard was the king of the MIA’s sending us a new contact every few days…and Allred and Reid helped find many as well…and many of you found one or two…and we just kept building from there…and we have now located 51 Players (7 deceased) from the 1975 team, 57 (7 deceased) from the 1976 team, 47 (3 deceased) from the 1977 team, 54 (6 deceased) from the 1978 team, 61 (6 deceased) from the 79 team, and 36 (2 deceased) from the 80 team…a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Cecil Stockdale for personally calling EVERYONE on the CONTACT List…and inviting them to the Reunion.

AND, a special thanks to Curtis Page for personally tracking down President Higbee and going to his home to give him a personal invite…he started all of this when he hired a “young coach” to help give him a winning football program. President Higbee loves to win…and we love him for it. Thank you, President Higbee.

We are sorry we have not been able to locate or make contact with all members of these teams…and we are most sorry to report that 25 of your teammates (that we know of) are deceased…please say a special prayer for them…David Bird, Casey Cuskelly, Frank Diesa, Byron McDaniel, Dan Shaw, Sid Williams, David “Headquarters” Richmond from 75 team, Art Dafgard, Al “Spike” Dafgard, Dennis Jackson, Merrill Noyes and Cory Mullikan 76/77 team, Jody McGill and Chad Boyer 77/78 team, Joe Yanowsky 1978, Ryan Hill 78/79, Mike Lombardo, Robert Dansie, Isham Poe and Walter “Captain Smash” Mason 1979, Elvis Cooper 78/79, Kevin Lapa 79/80, Johnathan Young 80/81, Tom Pletch 81/82, and Coach Dean Green. We will continue searching for all MIA teammates in order to properly thank and recognize those men for their contribution to SNOW Football…and to the 50 (1975) + 50 (1976) + 44 (1977) + 49 (1978) + 55 (1979) + 34 (1980) men we have located…it is too bad some are unable to attend…but for the “Special Men” here today…we thank you for making the effort to be here, and most important of all, we THANK YOU and honor you for “meeting the challenge” of the SNOW Football Program 40yrs ago…and for the outstanding legacy you started.

THANK YOU – you are truly the key men in this WHO’s WHO of SNOW Football.

**The attached CONTACT list (also posted on the website) with an * represent the people we have located to this point and had the opportunity to attend this historic event; and the teammates that are MIA…we need your help finding them…Please help us find the rest of your teammates…and get them here next year. Thank you. **Thanks to ALL for helping make this a successful event.

CLICK HERE and help us find your teammates —>