SNOW COLLEGE Football 40yr Reunion – TEAM Picture at Reunion #1 – Sept 26, 2015

Front Row (Left to Right): Kirk Terry / Kenny McQueen / Chris Reid / Bill Vanderbur / Blake Burt / Myron Workman / Coach Dave / Dean Nacario / Kevin Sweat / Mont Stevenson / Paul Rasmussen // Middle Row: Coach Crow / Curtis Page / Stu Simons / Russ Baker / Johnny Borla / Robert Lopez / Clare Richins / Mark Stoddard / Russ Phillips / Steve Bullard / Dan Nelson / Steve Pearson / Dan Crandall / President Higbee // Back & Way Back Row: Dean Fowles / Coach Paul / Trace Burningham / Brent Barraclough / Paul Smythe / Keith Cline / Mike Marriott / Gary Richins / Lari Tadehara / Ken Ciancone / Scott Thomas / Kimber Hall / Kevin Powell / Terry Goold // Attended but not in picture…Drew Fulmer / Kurt Boyer / Craig Willson / Coach Blad / Bob Trythall // The following attended Friday dinner but unable to attend game…Steve Peterson / Dale Sampson / Ron DeBry

CLICK Here for Reunion #1 Team Pictures – Reunion #2 Team Pictures – Reunion #3 Team Pictures – Reunion #4 Team Pictures – Reunion #5 Team Pictures – Reunion #6 Team Pictures

SNOW Football 40yr Reunion – Reunion #6 will be held on April 16-18, 2021 YOU are helping us make it a “Homecoming Tradition” for Snow College

In 1975 a group of young men (Coaches, Players, and Support Staff) came together, under the leadership of President J. Marvin Higbee and Head Coach Dave Arslanian to launch the “building” of a winning football legacy for Snow College. A winning legacy that has endured and been carried forward by outstanding players, coaches, and support staff.

Forty years later, on September 25 & 26 2015, some of those same “men” came back together again to renew their bond . . . and launch a FIRST . . . the “FIRST Ever Snow Football 40yr Reunion.” Last year…members of the 1975-80 teams came together for Reunion #5…and NOW you are here to honor the 40th year of the 1980 Football Team.

With the strong support of the past and current Snow Administration – former President Gary Carlston, former Executive Director Snow College Foundation Rosie Connor; and now President Brad Cook, Interim Executive Director Snow College Foundation Janie Harris, Athletic Director Rob Nielson, and Head Football Coach Zac Erekson . . . we are making it a Homecoming Tradition of honoring the Snow College Football Teams on the Anniversary of their 40th year!

On behalf of the “1975 to 80 Football Teams” it is our sincere hope that we can once again start a legacy that can endure . . . and pass on to the current Snow College Football Team what it meant to be a Badger Football Player 40yrs ago, and the impact it had on our lives during those 40yrs.

Participants in the FIRST EVER 40yr Reunion include….

– J. Marvin Higbee – Snow College President that hired Arslanian in 1975…Retired as **** – Greg Croshaw – Snow Defensive Coordinator 1975-78…Retired from Dixie College after a record setting and Hall of Fame career with 215 wins, 2nd most in JC History…and is currently working with Coach Dave & Paul to launch a private junior college football team in St George…for play in the Fall of 2021 or 2022.
– Paul Arslanian – Snow Offensive/Defensive Coordinator and Director of Student Housing 1975-82…helped take Snow to 1st Bowls Games in school history, 1981 & 82…Defensive Coordinator at Weber State, Utah State, San Jose State, Birmingham Thunderbolts of XFL, BC Lions of CFL…and Eagle Ranch Academy co-founder/owner.
– DeVon Blad – Snow Offensive Line Coach and Head Baseball Coach…retired and now fishing fulltime. – Dean Al Green – Snow Defensive Line & Kicking Coach and Dean of Students…Deceased Dec 2016. – Kevin Powell – Snow’s 1st CFL Football Player…played 15yrs in CFL…All Pro…built a transport company…retired. – Kimber Hall – Snow All Am QB 1977…MVP SpT Player at USU…Girls BkB Coach Skyview HS StChamps 2014…25-0. – Bonnie Nielson – Coach Dave & Pat’s Landlord in Ephraim…Snow College Student Body President 1956-57. – Dave&Pat Arslanian – Snow College Head Football Coach 1975-80…retired after serving as Head Football Coach
at Snow College, Weber State University, and Utah State University…and has now helped spearhead this 40yr Reunion for the benefit of Snow, all Players past – present – and future, and for the local Snow Community.

***OTHER Attendees include…Players from EVERYWHERE…with Dan Crandall traveling from Florida…for EVERY Reunion to date…and Teammates representing some of the BEST of SNOW College…retired Police Officers, Firefighters, Coaches, Teachers, Army Rangers, Marines, Special Operators, Soldiers of all stripes, successful Business Owners, Doctors, Lawyers, County Commissioners, State Board of Regents, US Congressman, etc….etc…

OUR GOAL…HELP the 40yr Reunion become a Homecoming Tradition…AND very simply, here is The PLAN: All Coaches & Staff, Players, Special Friends and Personal Guests (wives, significant others, parents, sons/daughters, nieces, etc)…return to Snow College for the Homecoming Weekend to reconnect with former teammates and coaches; and to be honored by Snow College for the role each played in helping Snow College Football build a winning legacy that has endured…and to pass the legacy forward to all future teams…of what it means to be a Snow College Football Player.

We want ALL former players and coaches to return…and we need help finding our missing teammates (MIA’s).